Saturday, June 11, 2011

Arizonans act the A$$ at the Cake Concert

This friday, my lovely wife's birthday, we went and saw the band Cake at the Mesa Amphitheater.

Calexico opened and showed unusual refinement. They layered their rhythms beautifully. Their mix of modern rock and traditional latin melodies created an easygoing air as the desert sun set. Try as they might however, Calexico seemed unable to create a lot of energy. Their rhythms were a little too mellow for this large a venue, especially as an opening act. Still, Mad Props. They are a good band. People should see them.

In between Calexico and Cake, there was a statement from an immigrant rights organization (I can't remember their name, I was distracted.) Bravely, their representative took the stage by herself, and gave a short (probably less than two minute) speech about voting and how important the latin vote is going to be in the next election.

With their standard boorish behavior, some Arizonans decided at the word "immigrant", to yell ridiculous comments at the woman. Statements like,"I didn't pay to hear no speech," or "If you don't like Arizona's policy, go back to Mexico!" As I looked around at comments that seemed all too common at a progressive rock band's concert, I wanted to shout those people down. I wanted to, and I am no coward, but I am also no idiot. There were a lot of these  bigoted opinions floating around. So instead I shouted at the representative too. I yelled, as she was reminding us to go vote, "Hell No! We don't vote in Arizona, and No One is Going to Make Us!" Of course I was being patronizing, but before they realized it, I was getting approving nods from those nimrods closest to me. I photographed them as they moved away a moment later.

After a longer speech by the local radio station that was promoting the concert, which drew no boos or catcalls, Cake was ready to perform.

I have to say, I love the new album, and unsolicited, I'll promote it. The music is different from their previous albums, but still has the distinctive sound that makes their sound so much fun to groove to. I understand that this is their first self-produced album, after their first non-studio album. And in addition to being a more group effort (the whole band was involved in the writing process, something that wasn't typical for their previous albums), this album was created in their all-solar-powered studio in Sacramento.

So, in addition to making an album as carbon-neutral as possible, and doing so as a collective, and trying to promote attention to various social causes (they gave away a tree at the show), Cake has produced an exciting addition to their already substantial catalog.

Oh, and it was a great show too. Simple in effects, but strong on performance. And since it was the music we came to hear, a show strong on sound was spot on. Kudos to the band, and on behalf of my fellow Zonies: We don't mean to be so backward, we're just a little sun-spotted.

If you're interested in seeing a great band, or learning about them check out their website at: In addition to being able to follow their tour, and hear their music, you'll be able to ask advice, or read advice they gave others. It's an entertaining visit.

Thanks again to Cake for stopping by the Valley. I know my wife loved the show, and it was a great birthday. She just wishes they'd have played "Stickshifts and Safetybelts". It's our song.

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